Jen Morrison ha decidido mostrarnos sus 101 sonrisas, o momentos que le hacen sonreír, a través de su Instragram: @jenmorrisonlive y su Twitter: @jenmorrisonlive
Day 101; this lady has been there for me through thick and thin. Happy new year to all the besties. Love All the best girls in my life. Cheers to 2016! #101smiles #2016 #happyholidays #vintageEmma #darkswan #onceuponatime
Day 98:this little guy was the life of the party last night. Thanks for saving Ellie the last M&M Leon! #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma #happyholidays
Photo by @vfxsup
Day 95: thank you @luxorlinens for the coziest bathrobe. Such a great a holiday surprise. #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma #J
Day 90: accidental selfie. Trying to have a conversation and text at the same time may have dire results. And yes my ride home today is a party bus with blue mood lights. #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma

Day 89: double the jones. Double my joy. # 101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 87: the gorgeous @stephaniehartherman got married last night. I love her like a sister. Truly. Such a wonderful celebration of love last night. #101smiles #onceuponatime #fairytalewedding
Day 85: Utah- you have to be kidding me with this view. #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 83: about to start a re read of my all time favorite #eastofeden #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 82: story time with @iamseanmaguire @joshuadallas #robertcarlyle #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 79: I'm not sure what it means that I somehow always end up making this face while directing. #passion #demondays video for #wildwildhorses launches tomorrow on #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma @wwhorses
Day 78: #WildWildHorses Film that I directed launches dec 6. Starring @geoffmstults @imrosemciver and me. So excited for everyone to finally hear @wwhorses music and see the film. #onceuponatime #101smiles #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 77: this made me laugh. I love fan art. #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma

I had the best time in #SanAntonio last weekend with my brother @danieldmorrison and #ellieleeper today is my final post of my Instagram take over of their blog @sequinsandsuspenders they are the best resource for the hot spots and fun things to do in San Antonio. visit @sequinsandsuspenders to see day 75 of #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Ah there is no place like home. Don't forget to visit @sequinsandsuspenders for day 73 of #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma

Day 70: grateful for my new almost sister in law. I'm moving #101smiles to her blog @sequinsandsuspenders for #5DaysOfSanAntonio so follow @sequinsandsuspenders to see #101smiles for the next 5 days. #OnceUponATime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 69: my mom still prints real pictures. Flash back to early bonding with my new nephew #101smiles #thanksgivingbreak #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 64: I love all of this advice #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #vintageEmma
Day 63: some killer #darkswan fan art. Love it !! # 101smiles #onceuponatime
Photo byvfxsup
Day 60: With the unique dr twinsies whale. Nice hairquestionanders # 101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime
Agreedericcolsen #prayforparis #prayforhumanity
Day 58: spent some time with my niece and shift Rapunzel hair make meat out of it. # 101smiles #darkswan #OnceUponATime #elliebean #avathedog
Day 57: finally got to meet and hang With the 4 hotties That made the music for the WWH FILM That I directed. Keep an eye out forwwhorses these guys are killing it. # 101smiles #darkswan #OnceUponATime #wildwildhorses #demondays #ordinarylife #secrets #youth #rebel
• St. Jude is leading the way Understands the world, and defeats treats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
• never Families Receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food - Because all a family is helping Should Worry About Their child live.
• Treatments invented at St. Jude Have Helped push the overall childhood survival rate from 20 percent When the hospital opened in 1962 to more than 80 percent today.
• St. Jude is working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90 percent in the next decade.
• St. Jude has Increased the survival rates for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) before opening from 4 percent in 1962 to 94 percent today.
• Creates St. Jude clinical trials for cancer more than any other children's hospital and turns laboratory discoveries into lifesaving treatments that Benefit patients - every day.
• St. Jude freely shares STI groundbreaking discoveries, and every child saved at St. Jude doctors and scientists Means That knowledge can use to save Thousands more children around the world.
• The daily operating cost for St. Jude is $ 2 million, Primarily Which is covered by single contributors.
Day 54: poker for a good cause @stjude "101smiles
Day 51: thank you to @lulugurrl and @dakota829Snow for these awsome surprise gifts. I've had my gead beard with me all day in the cold. So thoughtful!! #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #bestfansintheworld
Day 49: thank you to sheena Yaitanes from @kosascosmetics for all the new lip sticks. I debuted my favorite at the lovely @jamiejchng wedding this weekend.
Day 48: bonded with the moose between shots on WWH Film. @wwhorses #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime Photo by @vfxsup
Day 47: these guays truly love film and film makers. The San Jose film festival was a wonderful experience. #101smiles #darkswan @WarningLblsFilm #onceuponatime
Day 46: will butler video WHAT I WANT is out! I had such a blast filming with will. I love his music. Go download it if you don't have it. And take any chance you get to see him live. It's outrageously goo. Here is the official video and behind the scenes with @nerdist #101smiles #onceuponatime #darkswan #willbutler #whatwant
Day 45: this little creature spreads so much joy #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime #avathedog
Day 44: super grateful for the warmth of my new @aritzia scarf. I stocked up for winter. #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime
Day 43: loving all the BTS photos by @vfxsup out for more BTS photos togay #101smiles #darkswan @onceabcofficial
Day 42: hair, make up, mascara. Thakns @yahoobeauty for a fun chat in the #hotseat÷beauty/the-hot-seat-jennifer-morrison-120926196.html #101smiles #darkswan #NYcomicCon #yahoobeauty
Day 41: thank you to all the fans for watching #onceuponatime tonight! You guys make our dreams come true. #darkswan #101smiles
Day 40: such a great chat with @bustamante_adrian at the San Jose film festival today. What a lovely day! Thank you! #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime WariningLabels @warninglblsfilm
Day 39: happy birthday to Emma Swan. Thank you to @jollychan4 and @adamhorowitz for making so many of my dreams come true #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime
Day 38: remember that time when Richard Gere and Sharon Stone were my mom and dad... #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime #intersection
Day 37: stumbled upon this last night in THE GIFT poems by HAFIZ. it kind of made my heart explode. I agree. I agree #101smiles
Day 36: watch @imrosemciver tonight on @thecwizombie she kills it every time. #darkswan #onceuponatime #izombie #101smiles
Day 35: spent the weekend directing my real life muses @geoffmstults an @imrosemciver in short film for @wwhorses #WildWildHorses Clothing by @aritzia Check out WWH at
(Ha eliminado el video que realmente estaba en el día 35... Lo publique pero lo elimino también, esto es lo que ponía:
Day 35: slow mo water fall while scouting for a new project I am directing this weekend #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings #WWH)
Day 34: a little love for the insightful and inspiring #MarkTwain this morning #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 33: in this Sunday's #onceuponatime, I loved being back in the date dress for Mr. Hook. #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings @colinodonoghue1 photo by @vfxsup.
Day 31: I am very excited to say that this is my very first fully completed piece of pottery. White clay on a pottery wheel, trimming, and glazing... Pure joy. And now, filled with my favorite way the start the day. Coffee of course. #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 30: loved running into this lovely lady @therealsonequa @amcthewalkingdead premier last night #101smiles #darkswan #onceuponatime #uglyducklings
Day 29: #nycc fans!!! Love you all! #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 28: view on the way to NYC #101smiles #uglyducklings #darkswan #loveNYC #NYcomicCon
Day 27: cup 3 keeping me going for 9 pages today #101smiles #uglyducklings #darkswan
Day 26: Hitchcock was such a badass. Re- watch of #psycho #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 25: catching my breathe in my favorite dress from last night episode. #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings #ohcorsets
Day 23: whoever made this fan art made me truly laugh out loud. #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 22: it's going to be an all nighter on set but this guy will keep me company #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 21: @overheardla mkes me laugh. Real things my friends over hears in LA on a daily basis. follow @overheardla for a good laugh #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings
Day 20: double the magic, double the fun #101smiles #darkswan #uglyducklings Photo by @vfxsup
Day 19: one of my #darkswan walls of inspiration. #101smiles #uglyducklings
Day 18: love for Robin Hood. Thanks you to all the #oncers for watching last night. #101smiles #darkswan #uglydcuklings #onceuponatime @onceabcofficial
Day 17: All of the #darkswan fan art makes me smile! Tonight is the night. Season 5 of #OnceUponATime 8/7 c on @abcnetwork #101smiles #DarkSwanRises #uglydcuklings I am officially headed over the @accesshollywood Instagram for the rest of today! Come follow along!
Day 16: charming family photo. #101smiles #DarkSwans #uglydcuklings #DarkCharming @onceabcofficial Photo by Lana Parrilla.
Day 15: three days until DarkSwanRises! #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial BTS photo by @vfxsup
Day 14: I am all smiles now that one of my favorite people is also working in vancouver. I adore you @wilmervalderrama #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial
Day 13.5: when captain sat on the hook :) #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial @colinodonoghue1
Day 13: before captain sat on the hook :) #101smiles #DarkSwans #uglydcuklings @onceabcofficial @colinodonoghue1
Day 12: this is right before @jessicablairherman and I found #InAndOutBurgers at the @andysamberg #emmy party #TotalJoy #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans
Day 11: so much fun at the HBO #emmy party. Big thank you to @abhairmakeup and @_marissamarino and thank god for @shopbop that's where I found this little outfit while in a tent in the Forrest in vanvouver. The shop bop app is dangerously wonderful. #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial
Day 10: the dream team got me ready last night for #emmys parties. Thank you @_marissamarino @abhairmakeup #101smiles #uglydcuklings #darkswans
Day 9: reunited and it feels so good. Althoung Ava may kill me if I don't take this cone off of her head soon. Poor thing. #101smiles #uglydcuklings #darkswans @onceabcofficial
Day 8: a serious moment with mr. Merlin. I fell like real capes should make a come back. They are comfy, and keep me warm in the wilderness. #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial
Day 7: Wednesday wine night with the Vancover gang last night #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans
Day 6: BTS with magical Merlin #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans @onceabcofficial
Day 5: this little love buug gives me 100 smiles a day. She just went into surgery. I'm trying to stay calm and send her all of my love. #101smiles #uglydcuklings #DarkSwans
Day 4: hanging with this brave lady @amymanson #101smiles #DarkSwans #uglydcuklings
Day 3: two dark ones plus an apple box and snacks = one dark picnic #101smiles
Day 2: still smiling about last weekend in #austin #greatfood #greatwine #greatcompany #101smiles
Day 1:
I'ts official. #101smiles is back. This time on Instagram and Twitter. I challenge all the #uglyducklings and #DarkSwans out there to post a pic a day of something that makes you smile.
This pic makes me smile Bc our VFX goy Craig Clarke is a rad photographer who is going to capture tons of BTS for you - check out his stuff @VFXSUP @pixelPushingMad and it also makes me smile Bc ALL OF MY COSTUMES THIS YEAR MAKE ME SMILE. #edwardoRules
I'm whatching all of you #DarkSwans out there. I'll be favoriting and retweeting all of you #101
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